Saturday, 10 May 2008

Theresa´s friends

You know, one of the reasons Pim left academia is because he saw no reason to do his PhD - not such a hot idea in terms of career advancement. But why bother to write it all down when he has "at least seven PhDs" in his head?

I myself have a couple of MAs, an MSSc, and an MBA all fighting for space in my head, but haven´t quite graduated to PhD-level fantasy yet. Perhaps it is a genetic condition? Or merely the human condition ;)

Then there are all my other unrealised cutting-edge concepts that have nothing to do with academia. One of these is an annual magazine called Theresa´s Friends. Features in the mag would be about, um, my friends. The target market would be people who want to be friends with all of us, cos we are that cool. But now that several of my friends have started their own blogs, you don´t have to wait around for some magazine that will, most likely, never make it into print.

On that note, it´s time for an introduction to my friend (no acquaintances for me!) Sue´s blog. I may bitch and moan about being depressed in Liechtenstein (a tautology?), but really, I have nothing much to complain about. Sue has had an unbelievably tough 18 months, but her fighting spirit shines through, and hopefully she will be all fixed up soon soon soon!

Sue and I also have a cunning plan that currently is pretty much at the "Step 1. Collect underpants, Step 2. ?, Step 3. Profit" stage, but she will make it happen (not suffering from fantasy-PhD syndrome) with a little help from her editorial lacky. Watch this space for details...


Unknown said...

Hey, the Pinky & The Brain "3-step underpants plan" quote was Garry's and my motto! Double-plagiarizer!

TM said...

The "3-step underpants plan" is from "South Park", not "Pinky & the Brain". So you guys were not referencing properly - plagiarisers!

CM said...

i'm afriad al is right t, that is from pinky and the brain...i really think it is...i remember it

TM said...

Guys, I have googled it, click on the link in the post ;)

TM said...

Why is everyone getting their plans of world domination all mixed up?! Perhaps this is the reason why none of us actually rule the world (yet)...

M-Squeeze said...

Theresa is absolutely right. Pinky and the Brain never actually came up with anything as concrete as stealing underpants. Which, I venture to say, is why they are still stuck in the lab.

TM said...

Yay! I feel vindicated... If only you'd post that earlier, Marelise, you might have won a prize in my competition ;)