Wednesday, 09 April 2008

Mahendra ties up awards

I´ve been slack again. I suppose I might have got around to posting the results of the SA Blog Awards 2008 sooner, had I actually won. So, a belated congratulations to Cook Sister!, who won the Best Overseas Blog category. And, if the results are laid out in terms of precedence, I did achieve a respectable third myself. Thanks to all of you who voted for me!

But who cares about coming third, when there is far more exciting news to announce! Mahendra´s Ties has received top honours in the South African Mahendra´s Ties Blog Awards 2008. Read about the tie-wash here.


CM said...

Im so super excited that mahendras ties got the recognition it deserves in bringing exciting new developments and fashions displayed on the tv news to the avid public who has a keener sense of fashion these days than ever before.

TM said...

Me too! Don´t forget to comment on the actual site...